Today, my sister husband back from his work. due to his job, he can only come home once in 3 months. whenever he come back home, he always bring something new, as today he bring us Durian Pancake.
What is Durian?
According to Wiki, the Durian is the fruit of several tree species belonging to the genus Durio and the family Malvaceae (although some taxonomists place Durio in a distinct family, DurionaceaeRegarded by many Southeast Asia as "the King of Fruit". Edible flesh emits a distinctive odour that is strong and penetrating even when the husk is intact. Some people regard the Durian as having pleasantly sweet fragrance, others find the aroma overpowering and revolting. The smell evokes reactions from deep appreciation to intense disgust, and has described variously as rotten onions, turpentine, and raw sewage.
Most of non Asian people not liked their Smell and Taste, "Onions, dirty socks, garbage, dead animals, dead fish, gasoline all mixed together. It's awful.".
And for Asian People, it is not called as "the King of Fruit" for nothing, the smell is good and strong and the taste was divine.
this is not my video, i just want to show you what Durian look like
How to make Durian Pancake
To prepare crepe:-
All purpose flour 200g
Tapioca flour 1tsp
water 400ml
salt 1/4tsp
sugar 1tbsp
a drop of yellow colouring
Batter :-
1. Mix all ingredients in a big bowl and use whisk to mix well. Sieve, then cover and stand for 30 minutes.
2. Pour a scoop of the batter in the center of the non-stick pan (do not add oil) and move the pan around for the batter to coat the side.
3. Once the colour changed and batter turn hard, crepe is ready and remove it immediately . Just fry for one side only.
To prepare durian pancake:-
Fresh whipped cream
Durian flesh (if you don't take durian, you may replace it with mango)
1. Spoon 1tbsp of durian flesh and 1tbsp of fresh whipped cream on the center of crepe.
2. Fold into a square shape.
3. Immediately store in the fridge for later consume.
I hope u will enjoy it.
Sy penggemar durian tp blum pernah merasakan nikmatnya "pancake durian", sangat menyedihkan!